How to Begin Investing

Speak with a Portfolio Manager

Once your account is set up, you will consult with your portfolio manager and build a portfolio in line with our key investment parameters. Your investment goals will be analysed, and a plan put in place taking into consideration the length of time you want to invest your capital for.

Tailored Investment Proposal

You will jointly compile an investment proposal based around your permitted budget and preferences. Our portfolios are based on up-to-the-minute data that is revised on a quarterly basis and re-balanced and reviewed for best performance.

Investment Proposal Recieved

Once you are in receipt of your agreed proposal, you will have in your possession a bespoke recommendation explaining in detail each wine and whisky, the vintage, its current performance on the secondary market and why your portfolio has been balanced in this way. At this stage, you are welcome to make changes with any preferences you may have.

Agreement & Payment

Once you and your portfolio manager have agreed a date for which funds are to be settled you will be sent an invoice for the balance.

Asset Allocation

Once funds have been received, our team will immediately start the process of allocating all purchased products into your account with London Barrelhouse.

Certificates of Ownership

Once we have properly segregated your portfolio into your account, back of house will send out all the relevant paperwork, including your certificates of ownership.

High Frequency Trading Assets

Tap into the power of investing directly in the most actively traded and in demand investment wines of the world. Trade instantly at market leading prices direct with the Chateaus and official global distributors. Diversify your portfolio, decrease market correlation, reduce volatility, locking in higher and faster risk-adjusted returns. Launched in February 2019 with outstanding success we use our presence in the market, trading in Bordeaux 33%, Burgundy 30%, Italy 10%, Champagne 10%, US 8% Rhone 5%, Spain 2%, Germany 1%, Australia 1%.

Investment Guide

Download our Free Wine & Whisky Investment Guide

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